Capturar impresionantes fotografías de viajes en su teléfono inteligente no es tan difícil como la gente parece pensar que es. ¿Sabías que la fotografía móvil mientras viajas es mucho más fácil que cargar con una cámara tradicional? En realidad, ni siquiera está cerca.
Por ejemplo, en un viaje por carretera el año pasado, mi amigo, el tipo de DSLR, tardó una eternidad en preparar su equipo cuando llegó el momento de disparar. Yo, en cambio, estaba preparado para disparar en todo momento gracias a los mejores accesorios para smartphones y estos consejos de fotografía de viajes. Además de la eficiencia de la fotografía de teléfonos inteligentes sobre DSLR, también noté que se retrasaba en caminatas más largas debido a su enorme bolsa para la cámara. Yo, nuevamente, solo tenía mi teléfono inteligente, un trípode para teléfono y algunas lentes. Fue bastante fácil para mí robarle su cerveza.
En serio, si está dispuesto a convertirse en un fotógrafo de viajes móvil acérrimo, entonces estamos listos para apostar a que sus vacaciones mejorarán exponencialmente. Lo más probable es que su trabajo nuevo y mejorado incluso compita con lo que estaba haciendo en su DSLR o sin espejo. Si estás haciendo fotografía de viajes, lo más probable es que estés de vacaciones. Disfruta de las vacaciones, ahórrate algo de tiempo y, en su lugar, haz fotografías móviles de viajes.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #1 – Always have your smartphone camera ready
50% of photography is skill; the other 50% is luck. If luck presents itself, then your preparation is key. Lucky for you, your smartphone is likely always in your pocket.
Te puede interesar:9 formas de ganar dinero como fotógrafo de viajesThe need to be ready when the moment strikes is especially true when you’re in nature. Wildlife doesn’t sit still for pretty pictures, so have your cell phone out, turned on, and ready to snap. That’s one of the reasons smartphone cameras are superior to traditional cameras – they’re always prepared.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #2 – Keep moving
If you’re going to do travel photography, you need to travel. Stay in a place only as long as you need to in order to capture the region’s essence. Make the most of your travels by being in new areas as frequently as possible.
Remember, you’re not trying to document a location. You just need a snapshot. Travel photography is about variety, not necessarily depth.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #3 – Travel light
You don’t have to be a backpacker to be a travel photographer (though that’s an excellent experience). You don’t need to be able to climb mountains with 40 lbs on your back.
Don’t lug around a bunch of gear. Don’t carry around a bunch of non-photography gear either. Everything you need should fit in a day-pack or regular backpack. Look for some equipment made of carbon fiber or other light materials to keep the weight manageable.
Te puede interesar:Cómo tomar fotografías de paisajes legendarios en tu teléfonoSmartphones beat traditional cameras in weight every time.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #4 – Take original mobile photos
Also known as “take the path less traveled”, this is all about staying off the beaten path. The world doesn’t need another picture of a person holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Besides, once you get away from the classic photo spots that everyone uses, you can find some incredible opportunities. You have room to be creative, try new things, and develop your style. Try to find a shot no one has ever taken before. That’s how you make a name (and memories).
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #5 – Exotic doesn’t have to mean far away
If you’re taking macro photos of leaves or other nature-y stuff, no one can tell if you’re in Louisiana or Cambodia.
Travel can mean 20 minutes to a nearby forest, a few hours to a national park, or across the world. Practice techniques of travel photography nearby before you make that long, expensive trip abroad.
Te puede interesar:Guia de fotografia submarina con movilTravel Mobile Photography Tip #6 – Immerse yourself in the culture
Once you do go abroad, remember that you’re an outsider – until you ingratiate yourself! Meet the locals, eat their food, take part in their recreation.
If you want to find unique photo ops, this is how you do it. Not as a tourist with a selfie-stick, but by living the life of the locals. You can’t know what travel photos you should be taking until you have a better understanding of the place and the people.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #7 – Get to know your subject before taking the shot
Learning your subject is not just a courtesy – it’s the best way to capture context.
Anyone can take a picture of an orphan at a bus stop in the rain. Tear-jerking, sure. But how do you even know that kid is an orphan? Maybe they’re waiting for their dad to get back from work?
You need to ask permission anyway. So, find out your subject’s story while you’re at it. Once you know the truth, you’ll be able to capture a photo with a more accurate context (and they’ll appreciate you taking the time).
Te puede interesar:¿La lente o el lente?Travel Mobile Photography Tip #8 – The early bird gets the worm
You’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again – mornings offer the best light for most travel photos (especially for landscape photography). Do be wary though that zooming when shooting is a no-no. If you must zoom, it’s best to do it in post-production as a digital zoom. More of the integrity of the image is preserved this way.
A lot of travel photography takes place on vacation. And, while it might not be very relaxing to wake up at 5:30, it is in your best interest. That warm light enables some of the crispest images you’ll get.
Besides, the glory of golden hour is a feeling worth waking up for.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #9 – Know your equipment before you go
You need to practice with your gear before you jet off to some obscure corner of the world. The top of the Himalayas is not the place to be fiddling with that new lens.
Save yourself time and frustration by working out the kinks while you’re still at home. You need to know the capacity of your equipment – what it excels at and things you should avoid.
Te puede interesar:La mejor manera de compartir fotosHere are some recommended phone photography peripherals.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #10 – Learn post-processing basics
Anyone who thinks they’re going to be an au naturale photographer and go far is kidding themselves. All professional photographers use Photoshop (or something similar) to some degree. Here are 37 photo editing options to choose from, so choose one and use it.
To bring your photography to the next level, you’ll need to learn the basics. Even just learning something as simple as adjusting contrast can make a huge difference.
Good mobile photos are taken, great photos are made.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #11 – Don’t use Auto mode
Hopefully, if you’re at the point where you want to do travel photography, you’re not still using the Auto setting on your mobile phone camera.
Te puede interesar:Cómo fotografiar plantas perfectamente con tu teléfonoHonestly, I’m not sure why they include it on high-end cameras. Using manual affords you much more customization, which is ultimately how you get the best picture. Learn about shutter speeds, aperture, and the like if you want to get serious.
Our disdain for auto-mode goes for both traditional cameras and smartphones. No matter how right your iPhone auto setting is, you could do better with manual mode.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #12 – Do use the Rule of Thirds
While this is an elementary concept for photography, it bears repeating. When you find something fascinating, which often happens while traveling, you’ll be tempted just to point and click.
Take another second, though, and set up the photo. Don’t put the subject in the center. That causes the viewer of your picture only to see the subject. Put it on one of the imaginary “thirds” lines, so that your viewer’s eye is drawn to the rest of the photo as well.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #13 – Get in your own photos!
It’s easy to forget (or omit if you’re camera shy). You’re traveling! Get proof that these pictures are you and not stolen from Google images.
Te puede interesar:10 consejos para fotografiar vacaciones en su teléfono inteligenteTravel photography is the best kind of photography because you’re exploring while you’re practicing your art. It’s an adventure. Make memories. Take pictures of yourself so that you can recall those memories even better.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #14 – Get lost
Getting lost is similar to the tip about getting off the beaten path, but there’s a different goal.
This one is about getting out of your comfort zone. Test yourself and your photography by throwing yourself into an unfamiliar situation.
You will survive. You’ll grow, too. And if you’re lucky, you’ll find some awesome never before seen shots – as well as a fresh perspective.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #15 – Don’t forget extra batteries (and memory)
Since we’re talking phones here, this means you should bring an external battery pack to recharge. If you’re shooting in raw (which you totally should for post-processing purposes), you’ll likely need an extra micro-SD card or two.
Te puede interesar:Revisión de lentes SandmarcSorry Apple users.
If your phone dies, though, you’re forced to experience the trip yourself (rather than behind a lens). Hint, that’s a positive. On the other hand, you’ll inevitably find incredible vistas and once-in-a-lifetime shots if your camera is dead (or the memory is full).
Hágase un favor y compre memoria adicional y un paquete de baterías ahora.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #16 – The best camera is the one you have with you
You don’t have to go buy a brand new DSLR for $3,000. These days, most high-end smartphones are perfectly acceptable for use in serious travel photography.
Tome algunos accesorios para el teléfono, como un trípode de viaje decente y un paquete de lentes, y se librará del movimiento de la cámara. Considere también un obturador de cámara remoto. Esas cosas son increíblemente útiles (y bastante económicas también).
Te puede interesar:Entrevista con el fotógrafo de teléfonos inteligentes Vojta Havlis (Mobile Creators Series)Travel Mobile Photography Tip #17 – Have flexible equipment
Podrías tomarte esto al pie de la letra y hacerte con un mini trípode flexible , o entender que me refiero simplemente a llevar equipo generalista.
If you took every camera, lens, and tripod, you might need for a given picture, you’ll collapse before you can find the shot! Limit yourself to one good camera, one or two all-purpose lenses, and maybe a tripod. Remember, travel light.
Besides, challenging yourself to create a great picture without optimal equipment can help you develop your skill (and even some new techniques!).
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #18 – Find lines, angles, and symmetry
While these kinds of things are common in our built environment, they’re much rarer in nature.
Finding and exploiting such phenomena will make for incredible photographs. Humans unconsciously look for patterns, so if you supply them in a unique setting, your travel photo will certainly turn heads.
Te puede interesar:Revisión de lentes ShiftCamTravel Mobile Photography Tip #19 – Keep it simple
Being in a new place can be overwhelming. When you’re excited about something, it can be tempting to try to record everything all at once.
We can’t comprehend all that much simultaneously, though. Instead of taking a panorama of a busy market street, try focusing on one facet at a time. Take a picture of the fruit stand. Catch that cute kid. Get a close up of the donkey. Find something textured and focus on that.
Getting each part individually allows for easier and better mobile photos. View them all later for a more comprehensive picture than you would have gotten with that wide-angle lens.
Travel Mobile Photography Tip #22 – Keep Learning and Improving
Maybe this goes without saying, but no one is ever done learning. Even National Geographic photographers have room to grow. If you want to improve right now, then consider checking out:
When you’re out doing travel photography, you are in a unique position where you can create new situations, create new challenges, and create new opportunities. When you’re learning is the time to try something new and fail spectacularly – you still improve as a result.
Te puede interesar:Guia completa de fotografia de accion con tu telefono movilTravel Mobile Photography Tip #21 – Don’t forget to put down the camera sometimes
Remember that ultimately travel photography isn’t about your portfolio or your Instagram. It’s about having new experiences. It’s about making stories you can tell your kids about one day.
No pases todo tu viaje detrás de la lente. Tus fotos deben recordarte el tiempo que tuviste, no ser la única evidencia de tus viajes. Entonces, disfrute de ese clásico sándwich parisino y beba ese té de burbujas tailandés, ¡pero diviértase mientras está afuera!